Wintry Sun Room Tea


              Hello everyone,

               I am busy getting our home ready for
                   the Christmas season as I am sure many
        of you are as well.

But for a little break it is nice to
enjoy a cup of tea in the sun room,
where it is nice to snuggle into a
warm furry throw in a comfy old
chair with a footstool.

          To go with my wintry look we even had a 
       few cm. of snow overnight.

The tea is ready and I have
used my Christmas tea cup.

I replaced my pink and white china
with my favorite Christmas dishes.
Mostly Friendly Village but a few
similar patterns mixed in since I
am always happy with mix and match.
                                                                          Friendly Village by
                                                                          Johnson Brothers.

                                                                I have collected a lot of village house
                                                                etc. but I am only putting up my favorites
                                                                this year so this church made the cut.

                                                             The warm fuzzy throw is from Pier 1

                                                          I will be happy to get all my Christmas
                                                                     decor up as it seems to leave me with
                                                                     a messy house until I get it all done.

                                                                     Just a reminder to any of my fellow
                                                                     Islanders that our home and 3 others
                                                                     are on a Christmas House Tour for
                                                                     a worthy cause, for more info check
                                                                     it out my previous post below.

On a different note this past weekend
was the Victorian Christmas weekend
in Charlottetown so we enjoyed spending
some leisure time there even taking in
a horse and wagon ride . There were
lots of vendors selling there homemade
We have an old sleigh like this one
so I am hoping to get time to dress ours
up like this one!


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